When I decide to photograph a sunrise I generally will check the weather forecast the night before on the internet. I like to use MSN Weather as they have a neat next 48 hour by hour forecast. That way I have an idea what the weather will be doing at the moment the sun rises. Ideally what I am looking for is a forecast for partly cloudy at the time of sunrise. That way the clouds will be illuminated with the beautiful colors produced by the rising sun. A forecast of clear will be nice but not have much drama to it. And a forecast of mostly cloudy or cloudy will have a low chance of the sun finding an opening to cast the beautiful glow.
Well this particular days forecast for the sunrise hour was partly cloudy. I thought great I will go over to Plainview Rd. to capture it. Plainview, as the name suggests, is a road west of Standley Lake that follows the edge of the foothills overlooking the plains. I had once before been up there for a sunrise so I knew of a good spot to set up.
I was up at 4:30 to allow enough time to get ready, make the drive and be set up by 6:30 for the show. When I made the drive and got away from the city lights all I saw was stars and clear skies. Looks mostly clear to me…Arrrgh! Not what this photographer wanted to see. But I was up and out so what the heck.