The third time is the charm. After two times in Salt Lake City with camera gear, I finally made it to Temple Square to shoot the holiday scene at night.
It was an extremely crowded evening at The Mormon Temple and I wondered if I’d be able to get any good shots with all the passing people, some walking right in front of my tripod setup. But the long exposures caused all but standing crowds to completely disappear. Even the ones who walked right in front of the lens. Way cool!
I especially enjoyed photographing at the various reflection pools, and the street shots outside of The Square. Being primarily a landscape / nature photographer, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed shooting the city night scenes. I can see I will have to make more trips downtown to practice my art in street photography.
This album shows how well rounded your photography is, it definately adds a new element to your art. I really enjoyed looking through these!!
We missed visiting Temple Square this year. Your photos are even better than being there. Great stuff!