I decided to take a drive up Provo canyon to Deer Creek Reservoir to get some winter shots of the precipitous east faces of Mt. Timpanogos. “Mt. Timp”, as the locals call it, is a huge mountain. The massif stretches for 7 miles and towers over Provo and Orem. rising 7000 feet from the valley below. The Timpanogos massif has four peaks that reach over 11,ooo’ with the main summit elevation at 11,749′.
After freezing in the sub-zero wind chill at Deer Creek Res, I took the drive up past the Sundance Resort (owned by Robert Redford) to see how close I could get to the lower flanks of the mountain. The plowed road ended but a short way above the resort at the Mt. Timpanogos trailhead. I ended up hiking up about three miles roundtrip to get some nice shots as the sun dipped behind the ridgeline to the west. It is a gorgeous spot and I can see I will have fun exploring here in the future.
Dad I knew you were wanting to get some shots of Mt. Timpanogos, and I’m glad you went out to get them!! Great shots, makes me miss a state other than Colorado. Hope all is well, and as always keep shooting!!!
I agree with Taylor – Great Shots. Mt. Timp is outrageously imposing. It looked very cold with the ice crystals streaming over the peak. I’ll bet it felt good to have some sun after the gray days in the valley.