It was a fairly ordinary sunrise without any clouds to add drama to the scene. But then again, when your standing on the edge of a 1000′ sheer vertical cliff in near darkness, you don’t really need any more drama!
Another trip to the Moab area to show SuzAnn a bit of Canyonlands National Park. Still being January, we opted to spend two nights in the warm comforts of a hotel located in Moab. We arrived late on a Friday night and after a short sleep drove out to Canyonlands in the dark to catch the sunrise from Buck Canyon Overlook.
We then took the 3 mile round trip hike out to Grand View Point. This is always a nice short hike as it follows the edge of the sheer cliffs overlooking the deep chasms of the canyons below.
I decided then to share a secret jem that the park has to offer. False Kiva, which was my obsession to find for many years. I was finally able to locate and reach this ancient structure back in 2010 using years of researched information and a sketchy treasure map. You can read that story here. By the time we climbed our way back up the cliff and out to the car we were pretty well spent and hungry for some good hot food in Moab.
The following morning was real treat…we headed out the Potash Road which follows the Colorado River as it makes its way into Canyonlands. Here the river was partially frozen over and the sound of the ice flowing downstream was really something! Here is a little phone video to give you an idea what it was like.
After taking our time and stopping several times along the river, we embarked on a wonderful hike out to Corona Arch. This was the first time I had been out to this location and I was thrilled with the desert canyon scenery spread out before us. Here is another video from the hike out to the arch. Pardon the heavy breathing!
The arch was a magnificent monolith rising hundreds of feet above the slickrock bench. Here is a video from the arch.
After exploring the area for a couple of hours and eating a bit of trail food, it was time to end our weekend adventure and make the drive back home…