Black Friday Sunset

Here is a series that I am sure is to please… On Black Friday afternoon, I decided to go out to the Great Salt Lake for a much needed photo shoot. It had been a very long time since I had gone out by myself with the sole intention of photography. I ventured out on the vast expanse of the dry, or should I say muddy, lake bed. The lake has receded so far over the years, leaving an otherworldly desolate area of nothingness. The location I started from was one that I had not hiked before. And as I found out, it was a very long way to get to the water line. As a matter of fact it was so far, I almost decided to give up on the idea of trying to make it to the water. But my perseverance paid off and eventually found myself completely immersed in photographing the scene. I shot all the way through the sunset until it dipped behind the mountains to the west. Then hightailed it back across the expanse while I could still see my footprints to follow back to the car…

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