Hogs, Bears and Moose…Oh My!

We started our 4+ day trip to Grand Teton National Park when I got off work on Wednesday. This was our first road trip on my new Hog… A 2013 Harley-Davidson Road Glide. With two of us on the Harley, we had to pack light. With the saddle bags and stacking two luggage rack bags, we were able to pack all the gear and clothes we would need for the two of us for 4 days!

Our start was about an hour later than I had hoped as getting the Harley packed efficiently took longer than expected. But we still had just enough time to ride the 4 1/2 hours up to Alpine, WY and set up camp just before the sun set.

The next morning we were up before dawn and had the bike packed as the sun rose. We needed to get the early start to secure a campsite at my favorite campground in Grand Teton National Park, Signal Mountain. We were successful at getting a great site and killed time having breakfast at the Signal Mountain Lodge (best bacon EVER!) while we waited for the previous campers to pack and leave.

Once we had our camp set up, it was time to loosen up our legs for our big hike the following day. We headed to String Lake which is always an easy way to get loosened up and has some fantastic views of the Teton Range. Part of the trail was closed due to flooding, so we ended up hiking out to Leigh Lake where we ate a lunch of trail mix and jerky.

As we made our way back, we crested a small rise on the trail and were stopped dead in our tracks as we stared face to face with a Brown Bear about 100 feet away… We were staring him in the eyes and he was staring right back! I told Harmony to continue facing the bear and back up very slowly! Do not turn and run!… As we backed up, I saw the bear begin to move in our direction and my heart sunk and I thought… Oh Shit!… This can’t be happening! Thoughts racing through my head like… Where’s my pocket knife? If I can stab it in the temple, maybe… maybe Harmony will have time to get away… Fortunately, after a few steps, he made his way into the woods and disappeared! Talk about an adrenaline rush!

Okay, enough of the excitement… Time to go to the Lodge and have some dinner!

The next day was our big hike day. I had to share with Harmony the wonders of Cascade Canyon. This starts with a shuttle boat trip accross Jenny Lake where the boat hands give you the typical safety talk and tell you that you are going into bear country… well, duh! No kidding!

We spent the better part of the day, with a total of 9 1/2 miles round trip, hiking what is in my opinion one of the most beautiful valleys in the US that I have ever been. It follows nearby Cascade Creek which in some spots is raging with white water, while other wider sections turn to calm pools reflecting the majestic mountains with cascading waterfalls towing above.

On the way back down, we were passing by one of the calm sections when we heard this loud splashing coming from the river. When we looked over, there was a large Moose frolicking and kicking its hooves into the water. I had never seen such a sight! It was obviously joyfully playing, jumping and just having a grand ole time enjoying the water on such a beautiful day!

After many, many hours of hiking and many ibuprofen, we made it back to the boat dock and waited for our shuttle boat to take us back across the lake to the Harley. A short half hour ride and we were back at the lodge for dinner overlooking Jackson Lake and the Teton Range.

Day 3 was spent riding into Jackson to tourist shop and look for mementos to remind us of our wonderful trip in the years to come. And on the way back to camp at the end of the day, we took the outer highway and stopped at a couple of my favorite scenic pullouts.

On the last day we made the long ride home. Stopping in Bear Lake for their legendary Rasberry Shakes with lunch. We were both very tired and sore and decided that an upgrade to the seat was needed before another road trip. All in all a very memorable trip with exciting tales to tell the grand children about…

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