Winter Solstice

With the new year rapidly approaching, I decided to move my constantly evolving web site to run entirely on WordPress. Hopefully this makes for a better seamless flow throughout the site. It will take some time, but eventually I will have links to all the old galleries.

On the night of this years winter solstice there was a lunar eclipse… But unfortunately the skies here in Utah were socked in with a winter storm, so I had no chance to witness or photograph the grand event. But waking in the morning of the solstice, I found a fairytale winterland waiting outside. So after returning from the airport to send Dad and Mary Jane off, I grabbed my camera and ran outside like a child to play in the snow.

The snow was still clinging to all the branches and there was a peaceful silence in the air as I made my way around the field nearby the house. With the snow still falling fairly heavy, I made my way over to the covered bridge protecting my lens in between shots.

I chose to process the majority this series in black and white and letting the white snow get “blown out”, leaving only the tree branches showing detail. A nice effect that I am sure you have seen before.
Hope you enjoy!

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